Wednesday, February 4, 2009

_____________ Act 2

I read this act much faster than the first one. Instead of the first act where I went slowly and wrote down notes, I read this section in one sitting. Reading it slowly was definitely much better because I caught more of the humor and the questions about life that Stoddard presents.

In the first act, Guildenstern was my favorite character due to his deep thoughts and good sense of humor, but in act two, Rosencrantz runs circles around Guildenstern.
* I thought the use of "delve" by ROS was very interesting - a very nice connection to Hamlet.
* The way he "demonstrates the misuse of free speech to prove that it exists" is absolutely hysterical
* And his existential angst as he thinks up the dead-in-a-box dilemma is fantastic

One more thing that I should mention is that I really don't like the player. I'm not sure what it is that makes me dislike him so much. Maybe it's his omniscience in a world that's not supposed to be knowable. Or maybe I just don't like his arrogant, 'I'm better than you' attitude toward R&G. Whatever the case may be, he just gives me the creeps!

A Christian, a Muslim, and a Jew walked into a bar...

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